Saturday, November 11, 2017

SLP - Pune 2017-18 : Customer Development, lean startup and marketing plan

It was a wonderful day today!!
Starting a day in canteen while chatting with all #SLP fellows and ending it with a tea at Restaurant is an amazing time in startup life. 

Today we interacted with three speakers in different domains.
First was one for the legal aspects in startups. Why its important and what is it, superbly explained by FoxMandal speaker. This will definitely help us to remind in the background  of our brain to do the preventive action while exploring our startup. The most important point was that while pitching for funding we should be strong enough to point out our legal binding with customers, vendors, employees, consultants, investors and co-founders. It will make your pitch legally strong.

Very lean startup was a good example of most startups in our batch. But the way our speaker Mr. Anil Gupte taught was very remarkable. I was looking our startup as a best example of #leanstartup. The most memorable session was customer development. How to sale a product to customer with live example was a great experience. Everybody will remember the socks sold in the session in cash transaction!!

Marketing session of Sonali madam was fantastic as usual. But today's session was something different. Live demo of one of our fellow startup was realistic and workable for each of us. 25 brains with different sizes working on a single startup was an amazing idea to teach fellows. We are not doing marketing plan for that startup, but preparing our self for our own startup!!

Learing experiences from expert makes us closer to our excellence is very true!!

Vijaykumar kakade
my bike wash

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