Sunday, January 2, 2011


e-Learning is a combination of learning services and technology to provide high value integrated learning ; anytime, anyplace. It is being accepted in the marketplace as the next evolution of training and the education industry and the next phase in digital revolution.

Advances in digital electronics have made e-learning possible because digital data can be - accessed randomly; retrieved fast; manipulated; less storage space requirement etc. These digital tools can be effectively used to enrich the courseware content with multimedia features Audio, video, graphics, 3D-animation etc. This results in better visualization and better understanding & hence, retention of the subject.

There are four stages of e-Learning programme viz Technology, Tools (S/W), Standards and Content. e-Learning supplements the conventional delivery of instructions in the class-room and helps in quality improvement of content using ICT tools i.e. Computers, Multimedia and the Web. e-Learning facilitates the learning and delivery process for both the teachers and students.

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